Sovereignty Health & Life Coaching – Terms of Service
Our responsibility
Your coach will do everything possible to support you in refining your health & life goals. YOU are ultimately responsible for deliberately making changes in your life. Your coach will help you to find solutions and offer positive suggestions and options based upon their on their own experience and research in perfecting the art of living. When you hire your Sovereignty Health and Wellness Center coach you accept full responsibility for the actions you choose and the decisions you make. When you become a client, signing a coaching agreement, you acknowledge that your coach is not a doctor, lawyer, investment advisor, or accountant and that any advice you are seeking regarding these specialties should come from the appropriately qualified advisors.
Assigned Tasks
Extra Coaching Time
Cancelling Services
Notice of Cancellation of Service
Coaching Terms
Suspension of Agreement
Payment Plans
Read and approved:
Client: _______________________________________ date:___________________________
Sovereignty Health and Wellness Center
Coach: _______________________________________ date___________________________